Megjegyzések a Kecskemét környéki etnikai vizsgálatokkal kapcsolatban

The preparation of a monograph on the city of Kecskemét and its surroundings has begun in the Katona József Museum of Kecskemét under the direction of Zsuzsanna Bereznai ethnographer, editor in chief of the upcoming book. One chapter of the monograph will be dedicated for the results of the anthrop...

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Szerzők: Farkas L. Gyula
Molnár Erika
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2016

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Tartalmi kivonat:The preparation of a monograph on the city of Kecskemét and its surroundings has begun in the Katona József Museum of Kecskemét under the direction of Zsuzsanna Bereznai ethnographer, editor in chief of the upcoming book. One chapter of the monograph will be dedicated for the results of the anthropological investigation of the subadult and adult populations. The editor in chief entrusted one author of the present study with the preparation of this chapter and made the data sheet of the previous anthropological study on the adult population of Kecskemét and is surroundings available. The previous study was performed by Gyula Henkey. During the evaluation of the data it turned out that not all data sheet can be used, because the date of birth and date of inspection were incompletely recorded in some cases. Beside this data of the juveniles occur in several cases among the data of the adult population. The examined morphological traits are recorded in an unreadable form. As a result of these, the evaluation cannot be made in the usual manner.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:85-91