The world of sports in english lessons

This diploma work deals with possibilities and advantages which the word of sport offers to language teachers in Hungarian primary schools. It gives some reasons why, and some ways how we could make the most of an interdisciplinary way of teaching. I will examine and demonstrate that weekly two or t...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Kenderesi István
További közreműködők: Sinka Hilda (Témavezető)
Dokumentumtípus: Szakdolgozat
Megjelent: 2001
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Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:This diploma work deals with possibilities and advantages which the word of sport offers to language teachers in Hungarian primary schools. It gives some reasons why, and some ways how we could make the most of an interdisciplinary way of teaching. I will examine and demonstrate that weekly two or three P.E. classes may offer the possibility to find time besides English classes stipulated by school's program for practicing English language in teacher controlled conditions. This work will also deal with the topic of sport as part of human culture and an inexhaustible resource material for language teaching.