The effective teacher

This thesis examines effective English language teachers' attitudes and behaviours in primary schools. I maintain that effective foreign language teaching is a must today in Hungary, and I will show that teaching English is not only multi-faceted, but also one of the most responsible tasks of a...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Kárász Péterré
További közreműködők: Orosz Andrea (Témavezető)
Dokumentumtípus: Szakdolgozat
Megjelent: 2003
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Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:This thesis examines effective English language teachers' attitudes and behaviours in primary schools. I maintain that effective foreign language teaching is a must today in Hungary, and I will show that teaching English is not only multi-faceted, but also one of the most responsible tasks of a teacher. I will describe the typical characteristics of effective English language teachers by first giving a theoretical construct of attitudes and behaviours essential for an effective teacher. This is followed by data gathered from a questionaire given to teachers of English at local primary schools. By analysing data based upon this research I will demonstrate that in-service teachers do not recognise the equal importance of the different behaviours, and I will also point out that they do feel their responsibility toward students' achievement.