The two realities of Philip K. Dick An autobiography of the past from the future /

This thesis aims to introduce firstly, the most influential events, people, the determining social-political milieu of the autobiographically proved reality of the science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick. Secondly, it is written to take a look at the world of Robert Arctor/Fred, in Philip K. Dick...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Szabad Eszter
További közreműködők: Kocsik András (Témavezető)
Dokumentumtípus: Szakdolgozat
Megjelent: 2008
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Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:This thesis aims to introduce firstly, the most influential events, people, the determining social-political milieu of the autobiographically proved reality of the science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick. Secondly, it is written to take a look at the world of Robert Arctor/Fred, in Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly and to draw parallels between the realities of the author and his alias-character, weighing the fact that Philip K. Dick was mostly occupied with the question "What is real? What is reality?" not only in his works but in his entire life as well.