Egy kimagasló szervitori karrier id. felsőkáldi Káldy Ferenc Batthyány I. Ádám szolgálatában /

This study aims to examine the details of the relationship between Ferenc Káldy Sr of Felsőkáld, a nobleman from Western Transdanubia, and his overlord, Ádám I. Batthyány. Káldy had significant wealth from a young age, and he was active in the public life of Vas county throughout his whole life. Som...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Balogh Máté
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2023
Sorozat:Aetas 38 No. 4
Kulcsszavak:Káldy Ferenc, Magyarország története - 16-17. sz. - életrajz

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Tartalmi kivonat:This study aims to examine the details of the relationship between Ferenc Káldy Sr of Felsőkáld, a nobleman from Western Transdanubia, and his overlord, Ádám I. Batthyány. Káldy had significant wealth from a young age, and he was active in the public life of Vas county throughout his whole life. Some of his significant career achievements include becoming the vice captain of Pápa, being the commander of the private army of the Batthyány family from 1634, and serving as the vice captain of the Transdanubian district from 1637. He couldn’t have achieved these positions and influence, however, without the support of the Batthyány family. Ferenc Káldy’s success can largely be attributed to his prominent role in the Batthyány court, as well as his exceptional professional skills. Many of his letters are still accessible today, which gives us the opportunity not just to study this relationship between overlord and confidante, which had an important societal function at the time, but we could also learn new information about the organization and leadership of the private armies of the nobility. Ádám I. Batthyány appreciated his servitor, Káldy’s service yielded significant financial gain and security for him. At the time of his death on 29 May 1648 the most successful member of the Káldy family of Felsőkáld was close to ascending to high nobility, in terms of both wealth and political influence. While his career was somewhat atypical considering the positions he held, it can still be concluded that for nobles with medium holdings, the path to political and financial success usually leads through the court of a magnate.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:30-49