A pártfinanszírozási struktúra mint adásvételi szerződés
Sale is typically an institution of private law. In case of contracts there are rarely any references to public interest or public order either by the legislature or by courts. However there is a possibility to expand the use of the category of sales. There is a general tendency to describe and expl...
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Sorozat: | Szegedi Jogász Doktorandusz Konferenciák
4 Adásvétel és közösség = Sale and community 4 |
Kulcsszavak: | Szerződés - kötelmi jog |
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Online Access: | http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/74897 |
Tartalmi kivonat: | Sale is typically an institution of private law. In case of contracts there are rarely any references to public interest or public order either by the legislature or by courts. However there is a possibility to expand the use of the category of sales. There is a general tendency to describe and explain some features of institutions of public law with conceptions of private law (e.g.: theory of international treaties). Although the exaggerated free use of legal definitions must be avoided, it is possible to describe some characteristics of the three-pillar (state subventions, private contributions and fees) party funding system by using the abstract category of sales. The pillar of state subventions can be described as a social contract. Citizens accept the price of maintaining a modern, liberal democracy and the fact that parties receive large sums of money funded by their tax. Private contributions to parties – which at first sight seem as presents – can also be taken for sales, since this situation is quite different compared to presents given under regular circumstances. In the latter case the reason for giving presents is some sort of emotional community. Meanwhile when someone contributes to a party is a completely different scenario. It is possible to assume that there can be loyalty to a party, but the contributor inevitably expects some sort of service in return. That is the case especially with large corporations. In my article I attempt to compare these two pillars of party funding to sales using its theory and traditional categories with a bit more freedom, but not in an empty way. |
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők: | 23-32 |
ISBN: | 978 963 306 328 6 |
ISSN: | 2063-3807 |