Egy bácskai ügyvéd utazásai a "Keleti ég alatt"

Károly Vértesi (1843–1917) was a middle-class citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, whose worldview was grounded in Western modernity. He became a well-kown literary figure after publishing his reports in press about his eastern travel (Egypt, Palestine, Constantinople) in 1887. His trip reports...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Gyuris István Viktor
Testületi szerző: Móra Kárpát-medencei Interdiszciplináris Szakkollégiumi Konferencia (3.) (2019) (Szeged)
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2021
Sorozat:Móra Akadémia 9
Móra Akadémia : szakkollégiumi tanulmánykötet 9. 9
Kulcsszavak:Vértesi Károly, Palesztina - útleírás - 19. sz., Egyiptom - útleírás - 19. sz., Észak-Afrika - útleírás - 19. sz., Konstantinápoly - útleírás - 19. sz.
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Tartalmi kivonat:Károly Vértesi (1843–1917) was a middle-class citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, whose worldview was grounded in Western modernity. He became a well-kown literary figure after publishing his reports in press about his eastern travel (Egypt, Palestine, Constantinople) in 1887. His trip reports reflect more so the modern European self-image, than the witnessed realities. Vértesi framed the “East” as both a mysterious land full of wonder, but also a place of extreme darkness and backwardness. As a devotee of the industrial revolution Vértesi often entertained the thought of a civilizing mission modernizing the East. His travelogue is a detailed account of many topics from the late 19th century: the differences of the modern and the traditional world, orientalist framings of the East, the usage of the ancient Egyptian heritage.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:15-29