Új kistáj a hazai szakrális kisemlékkutatás térképén az Északi-Bakonyalja /

The author presents two types of small monuments -roadside shrines and sculptures - from the area between Bakony Mountains and the town of Pápa. The edge of Bakony mountains adjoining Kisalföld is populated by inhabitants of mixed ethnicity (German and Hungarian). The inhabitants of German villages,...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Németh Tibor
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2008
Sorozat:Szegedi vallási néprajzi könyvtár 19
Köztéri szakrális kisépítmények 19
Kulcsszavak:Műemlék - Magyarország, Kereszt ábrázolása - képzőművészet, Néprajz - magyar
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/70388
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:The author presents two types of small monuments -roadside shrines and sculptures - from the area between Bakony Mountains and the town of Pápa. The edge of Bakony mountains adjoining Kisalföld is populated by inhabitants of mixed ethnicity (German and Hungarian). The inhabitants of German villages, settled among the Hungarian majority in diasporas in the 18th century, developed their outdoor sacred monuments serving their religious life in a different way from the local practice. The most typical of these are the so called roadside shrines (Bildstock). In the Hungarian villages, it was more popular to erect statues of saints besides crucifixes, which are not discussed in this paper. The statues of Saint John of Nepomuk, Saint Wendelin and Pietä statues presented here enrich the knowledge of how the veneration ofsaints spread in Hungary with additional material. The social status of the persons who have erected the monuments is also varied: in German villages (Bakonygyirót, Bakonypéterd, Bakonyszentiván), the roadside shrines were raised by local inhabitants, while in the Hungarian villages (Lovászpatona, Ugod) the statues were erected with the encouragement of a church dignitary. The study based on interviews, data from archives and literary sources presents the geographic environment, architectural and iconographic characteristics of the monuments, the story how they were erected and customs connected to them. The main achievement of the study is that it extends the area where roadside shrines have spread further eastwards.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:36-53
ISBN:978 963 482 870 9