Kárpát-medencei ajándékok

Many times we return from our journeys with souvenirs in our luggage. Among these gifts there are products of considerable value that can be found in the list of valuables of Hungary, too. In my research I have analysed whether settlements owning high values are proud to show such products on their...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Bánhidai Csilla
Testületi szerző: Magyarok a Kárpát-medencében : tudományos nemzetközi konferencia (2.) (2017) (Szeged)
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2017
Sorozat:Közép-európai Monográfiák 16
Magyarok a Kárpát-medencében 2. 16
Kulcsszavak:Turizmus - Kárpát-medence, Idegenforgalom - Kárpát-medence
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/69747
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:Many times we return from our journeys with souvenirs in our luggage. Among these gifts there are products of considerable value that can be found in the list of valuables of Hungary, too. In my research I have analysed whether settlements owning high values are proud to show such products on their website and whether sufficient information is provided to visitors how to buy these products. Summarizing the research results there is a total number of 15 settlements - out of the 35 examined - where the national values are shown already on the main page of their webpage and there are only 9 settlements out of them where it is mentioned how to procure them. Only half of the settlements have a sub webpage named Hungarikums or Values and hardly one third of them provide information here about procurement possibilities. The values defined in the list of our national valuables - especially Hungaricums - have not yet been given enough emphasis on the webpages of settlements. If searching consciously we do find further information about our national valuables on two third of the webpages of settlements and more than half of the webpages show information also on how to purchase these valuables. They occur accidentally and one can get information about them only by searching persistently. The settlements involved in the analysis have only partly recognized their „treasures" registered as national values, there is still potential to be exploited. Our national valuables should be emphasized, indicated more freely and made accessible to others also on webpages prepared with big care. This issue is still to be observed by the self-governments and also TDMs (Tourism Destination Management) in our digitalized world.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:249-262