A magyar SSC szektor nemzetközi összehasonlításban

The SSC market is one of the fastest developing sectors of the Hungarian economy: more than 46 000 people work in 100 centers and more than 4 000 new jobs are expected in the following years. To be able to analyze the possible tendencies of the growth in the following years, we need to focus also on...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Juhász Krisztina
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2019
Sorozat:Taylor : gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományi folyóirat 11 No. 3
Kulcsszavak:SSC szektor - Magyarország, SSC szektor - Kelet-Közép-Európa
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/69569
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:The SSC market is one of the fastest developing sectors of the Hungarian economy: more than 46 000 people work in 100 centers and more than 4 000 new jobs are expected in the following years. To be able to analyze the possible tendencies of the growth in the following years, we need to focus also on the most important competitor countries in the CEE region. The article analyses the SSC sector in the Czech Republic and in Poland compering to the Hungarian one. It can be considered, that in all 3 countries the SSC sector plays an import economical role and has been changed in the last years: higher complexity, a shift from the single transactional processes through the complex and knowledge based processes toward the outsourcing of administrative part of core processes is appearing. All these changes create in all the 3 countries challenges in finding people, attracting new talent and face the automation and robotization. The Czech Republic seems to be answer that challenges as a “developed BSC market”: through a higher value added, increased service portfolio, high level of specialization and as one of the top global location for international expacts to live and work. The Czech centers employ an average 33% foreigners. The most important characteristic and advantage of the polish BSC sector is its size. That is the biggest BSC market in the CEE region, with a high developed office market, in a wild range of Polish cities. The focus of processes supported by business service centers in Poland is the finance and the IT. It seems that Hungary still didn’t manage to find a good answer at the above mentioned challenges. Although there are emerging new cities as SSC locations in Hungary, the sector is still dominated by Budapest. An (over)crowded office and labor market of the capital means a barrier for the further growth of the sector. To attract new talent seems to be the biggest challenge. There are some positive examples, best practices for collaboration between universities and BSCs (in Budapest, in Debrecen and in Szeged as well),but need to work very hard on the sector branding and educational portfolio to cover the demand of the BSCs and strengthen the position of Hungary as SSC location in the international competition.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:48-58