Orthodox zsidó zarándoklatok vasúton az utazás izraelita gyakorlataihoz 1944 előtt Magyarországon /
The railways were gradually built into a network covering the whole of Hungary and affecting all citizens. The influence they had in changing everyday life must be taken into account for an understanding of the processes of modernisation in the 19th century. The study examined how one denominational...
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Dokumentumtípus: | Könyv része |
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Sorozat: | A vallási kultúrakutatás könyvei
Különvonaton: a vasút szerepe a vallási életben és a turizmusban |
Kulcsszavak: | Közlekedés - vasúti - története, Zarándoklat - zsidó - Magyarország - 20. sz. |
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Online Access: | http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/67494 |
Tartalmi kivonat: | The railways were gradually built into a network covering the whole of Hungary and affecting all citizens. The influence they had in changing everyday life must be taken into account for an understanding of the processes of modernisation in the 19th century. The study examined how one denominational group within the diverse society of the Carpathian Basin, the Orthodox Jews living mainly in rural environments and making up more than half the Jewish population of the Kingdom of Hungary before 1920, made the railways religiously acceptable. It analyses the cultural practices of railway travel: the use of the railway spaces, the services provided for travellers, and the responses of the operators to the special demands of Orthodox Jews. The railways brought new possibilities for geograph-ical mobility in the everyday lives of Jews, but religiously accepted reasons were needed for travel. Making a living, study, medical treatment and pilgrimage as reasons approved by the community for travel were found not only among Jews but were much rather a general characteristic of the premodern world. In the case of Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, the railways became not only a new invention overstepping the bounds of a community, they also constantly reshaped the reli-gious conditions for railway travel beyond the regulation of time by religious law. |
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők: | 53-68 |
ISBN: | 978-963-306-556-3 |
ISSN: | 2064-4825 |