Szent Margit ima-akciók a 20. század első felében

Blessed Margaret was sanctified by Pope Pius XII. on 23d July 1943 after 700 Blessed Margaret was sanctified by Pope Pius XII. after 700 years on 23d July 1943. This was the result of a well organized process. Beyond the success one can find the changes in the history and society of the 20th century...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Barna Gábor
Testületi szerző: Vallási Néprajzi Konferencia (11.) (2012) (Szeged)
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2014
Sorozat:A vallási kultúrakutatás könyvei
Lelkiségek, lelkiségi mozgalmak Magyarországon és Kelet-Közép Európában = Spirituality and spiritual movements in Hungary and Eastern Europe
Kulcsszavak:Szentek tisztelete, Vallásos közösség - katolikus, Vallásosság - népi - magyar, Szent Margit
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Tartalmi kivonat:Blessed Margaret was sanctified by Pope Pius XII. on 23d July 1943 after 700 Blessed Margaret was sanctified by Pope Pius XII. after 700 years on 23d July 1943. This was the result of a well organized process. Beyond the success one can find the changes in the history and society of the 20th century, which has needed such a type of saint. In dissemination of the cult and veneration played the literature, the architecture and the fine arts an important role. The Dominican monk P. Kornél Bőle had a basic role in the canonisation. He and the Dominican Order have built in the process on the religious organizations of Dominican character, such as the Rosary and Credo Society. The so called Cir-cles of St. Margarete were already established at the very beginning of the 20th century. There were processions every year onto the Margaret Island, started already in 1916, which were influenced by the resolution of of the Great Roman Catholic National Assemble, the commemorial festivities of St. Emerich in 1930 and by 1938, the holy year of the Hungarians, when the 900th anniversary of the death of St. Stephen, the first Hungarian King was commemorated. Through the International Eucharistic Congress, which was held in 1938 was held in Budapest, the canonization process was internationalized. The processes have strengthened each other and became a broad movement holding together the whole society: workers, aristocrats, students and teachers, politicians. Praying and communion-movements started since the early 1940s for the succes of the canonization. The process of sanctification became the concern of Hungarians and united Hun-garians living in Hungary, and those who emigrated in America and those, who were living in the neibouring contries. The international character of the Dominican Order played also an important role int he succes of the canonization process. Until June 1940 more than 1,5 million postulations were sent to the Holy Seat. Spiritual exercises, feasts were held all over the country. The mass media gave regularly informations about the events. The process was closed by a festive week between 16th-23rd January 1944 or-ganized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:208-223