A hamelni patkányfogó alakja Robert Browning versében és Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne a Zöld Oromból sorozatában

The story of the pied piper is in a German legend from the Middle Ages and it describes a mysterious event in which 130 children were taken from the town of Hamelin by a piper dressed in many colours. This story inspired many authors, for example the Brothers Grimm, Robert Browning and Lucy Maud Mon...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Kovács Györgyi
További közreműködők: Browning Robert
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2018
Sorozat:Móra Akadémia 5
Móra Akadémia : szakkollégiumi tanulmánykötet 5. 5
Kulcsszavak:Műelemzés - irodalmi - angol, Verselemzés - angol, Angol irodalom története
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/58222
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:The story of the pied piper is in a German legend from the Middle Ages and it describes a mysterious event in which 130 children were taken from the town of Hamelin by a piper dressed in many colours. This story inspired many authors, for example the Brothers Grimm, Robert Browning and Lucy Maud Montgomery. In this essay, I compare the character of the pied piper in Robert Browning’s poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin and in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables series. In Browning’s poem, the seriousness of the story is softened by its rhymes and rhythm and by choosing to follow a version of the legend in which the consequences are not fatal. The Pied Piper a strange figure, but a character of the story who interacts with the other characters and has his own motivations, his actions are more or less justified. In the Anne of Green Gables series the Pied Piper is a metaphor for the First World War and later for death. He is seen only by Walter Blythe and only in visions. Walter can be compared to the lame child who was left behind and to the Pied Piper, too. Walter and the Pied Piper are both artists who use their art to move their audience to action.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:41-50