Községi igazgatás és önkormányzati autonómia a késő-dualizmus kori Magyarországon

The reform and modernization on local administrative levels /small and large villages, plains, peripheries, notarial districts, ordinary districts, district courts, local tax administration, integration of urban neighbourhoods, towns with regular councils, election districts/, but especially those o...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Szabó Pál Csaba
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2005
Sorozat:Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : acta historica 123
Kulcsszavak:Történelemtudomány, Magyarország történelme
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/2975
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:The reform and modernization on local administrative levels /small and large villages, plains, peripheries, notarial districts, ordinary districts, district courts, local tax administration, integration of urban neighbourhoods, towns with regular councils, election districts/, but especially those of communal public administration caused most of the difficulties to the Hungarian practice of public administration during the entire era of dual monarchy. The apparent connections of this issue with the unbalanced nature of the economic, regional/structural and ethnic conditions/development of the country obviously highlighted, stressed and enlarged the possible /real and imaginary/ political risks of transforming the local administration, and, all things considered, the fundamental and necessary reforms in this field, which was prominendy important from the aspects of constitutional law, democracy and administration, were not carried out in the course of this half century that was so decisive and crucial for Hungary and the Hungarian statehood. Generally, it can be said that communal self-administration in the late dual monarchy was the most wide-ranging and most liberal in those financial, administrative, political and law interpretation areas where strict and explicit state regulations and supervision should have been of vital importance, and vica versa: the government took the strongest line and set in full action the machinery of the state in those symbolic, bureaucratic and „national" issues where, on communal level, the ideas of the state could prevail to a rather limited extent. Therefor, the increasing communal autonomy and decreasing level of self-government, the growing centralization of the state and declining tendency of its ability to enforce interests are the paradoxes of tragic outcome regarding the Hungarian public administration in the era of the dual monarchy.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:23-40