Rock forming minerals of alkaline volcanic series association the Cheb-Domažlice Graben, West Bohemia
The Middle to Late Miocene intraplate alkaline volcanism of W Bohemia is associated with the uplift of the NE flank of the Cheb-Domazlice Graben. Two coexisting oogenetic volcanic series have been recognised: (i) weakly alkaline series basanite - trachybasalt - (basaltic) trachyandesite - trachyte -...
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Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged
Sorozat: | Acta mineralogica-petrographica
43 |
Kulcsszavak: | Földtan, Kőzettan, Ásványtan |
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Tartalmi kivonat: | The Middle to Late Miocene intraplate alkaline volcanism of W Bohemia is associated with the uplift of the NE flank of the Cheb-Domazlice Graben. Two coexisting oogenetic volcanic series have been recognised: (i) weakly alkaline series basanite - trachybasalt - (basaltic) trachyandesite - trachyte - rhyolite (15.9-11.4 Ma) and (ii) strongly alkaline series olivine nephelinite - tephrite (16.5-8.3 Ma). The chemistry of the minerals characteristically reflects the differentiation development of the above rock series. Early crystallization in the mafic rocks is manifested by olivine phenocrysts (Fo66„76), melilite, Ti-magnetite and (Ti,Fe3+)-diopside to fassaite; in the intermediate rocks by diopside; and in the felsic rocks by (Mn,Ti)-magnetite, diopside, and high-temperature K-oligoclase (phenocryst cores). Continuing to late crystallisation in mafic to intermediate rocks is represented by kaersutite, nepheline (at T <700"C; also occurs with melilite in ijolite pegmatoidal segregations) and labradorite to andcsine, with K-andesine to K-oligoclase rims in transitional rocks. In the felsic compositions, ongoing crystallisation is characterised by Mn-magnesioriebeckite, Mn-winchite and Mg-biotite; feldspars are prevalently anorthoclase (perthite), which occasionally mantles K-oligoclase and is succeeded by Na-sanidine (matrix or rare rims to anorthoclase phenocrysts). Feldspars and quartz in the matrix of the felsic rocks terminate crystallization. Late magmatic minerals are analcime, replacing plagioclase and nepheline, carbonates and barite in the mafic rocks. Mn-oxyhydroxide, nontronite, rare sulphur and organic matter reflect crystallization in the postmagmatic stage. |
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők: | 1-18 |
ISSN: | 0365-8066 |