Manganese minerals contained in the clay-minerals of Tokaj-Hegyalja
In Tokaj-Hegyalj a in the vicinity of Bodrogszegi and Füzérradvány manganes e •oxide minerals occur as brown spots an d patche s in the rhyolite-tuffs and rhyolite in the snow whit e clay minerals — a s well as along the cleavage fillings. The substanc e of these manganes e minerals is pyrolusite an...
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University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology
Sorozat: | Acta mineralogica-petrographica
11 |
Kulcsszavak: | Kőzettan, Ásványtan, Földtan |
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Tartalmi kivonat: | In Tokaj-Hegyalj a in the vicinity of Bodrogszegi and Füzérradvány manganes e •oxide minerals occur as brown spots an d patche s in the rhyolite-tuffs and rhyolite in the snow whit e clay minerals — a s well as along the cleavage fillings. The substanc e of these manganes e minerals is pyrolusite and psilomelane only in one •case, in tha t of the manganes e minera l separating first, it is a minera l association with a low oxidation grade containing MnO, Mn 3 0 4 and Mn0 2 . Th e substanc e of the clay minerals associated with th e manganes e occurrences consists of kaolinite, -halloysite, fireclay in Bodrogszegi an d in Füzérradvány of illite, montmorillonit e wit h a mixe d structure. The brown spot contained in the substance with a mixed structur e of Füzérradvány only contained Fe 2 0 3 without an y trace of Mn. It ma y b e assumed tha t the manganes e minerals contained in th e clay minerals — such occurrences wer e so fa r unknown — i. e. their examination will bring us neare r to th e recognition of the circumstance s unde r which the occurrence formed. |
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők: | 29-42 |
ISSN: | 0365-8066 |