Ecosystem services in Hungarian karst areas

Ecosystem service assessments provide a new and effective methodology in environmental management with several good experiences worldwide. In our study, we surveyed the services of a special landscape type, the karst areas in Hungary. Special characteristics of the karstecosystem are the high vulner...

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Szerzők: Kiss M.
Tanács Eszter
Bárány-Kevei Ilona
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2011
Sorozat:Acta climatologica 44-45
Kulcsszavak:Karsztjelenségek, Ökológiai rendszerek, Környezetgazdálkodás
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Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:Ecosystem service assessments provide a new and effective methodology in environmental management with several good experiences worldwide. In our study, we surveyed the services of a special landscape type, the karst areas in Hungary. Special characteristics of the karstecosystem are the high vulnerability and the three-dimensional and very fast processes. The importance of karsts is indicated primarily by drinking water provision, but they provide several other services with high economic value like soil formation, habitat function, timber production, climate regulation, recreation and aesthetic value. Hungarian karst areas are mainly in bad condition from a socio-geographical point of view, thus we propose that ecosystem services should be better incorporated in regional development processes.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:41-49