A logika szerepe napjainkban

Logic studies the general and universal characteristics of human thinking (the most complex system known to exist in the world). The philosophical question, are there general and common characteristics of the way people think, but experience tells us that "for the most part there are." Man...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerzők: Nagy Elemér
Nagy Elemérné
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2006
Sorozat:Ökonómiai és Vidékfejlesztési Intézet 2006. évi tudományos évkönyve 1
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/11543
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:Logic studies the general and universal characteristics of human thinking (the most complex system known to exist in the world). The philosophical question, are there general and common characteristics of the way people think, but experience tells us that "for the most part there are." Many of today's businessmen will just wave their hand in dismissal when somebody mentions classical logic to them, giving reasons for their dismissal of it: "Come on, what has it got to do with today? That is obsolete stuff." or "The ancient Greeks had enough time for that, but we, modern managers don't.". It is from this point of view that they question the importance of teaching and learning logic. Our opinion and experience is to the contrary, and this presentation is to show you why.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:101-107
ISBN:978 963 482 799 3